Organic Chemistry Notes

Download Organic Chemistry Notes for immediate use. Our organic chemistry notes are actual, perfectly-neat, handwritten notes that have helped thousands of students obtain the organic chemistry help they need. So, "Stop Writing, We've Already Taken Your Notes."

First Semester Organic Chemistry Notes

Section 1 - Structural, Bonding, and Molecular Properties of Organic Molecules

Section 2 - The Nature of Organic Compounds: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes 

Section 3 - Stereochemistry of Alkanes and Cycloalkanes: 3-D Structures of Molecules

Section 4 - The Study of Organic Reactions: An Overview

Section 5 - Structure and Reactivity of Alkenes

Section 6 - Reactions and Synthesis of Alkenes

Section 7 - Alkynes

Section 8 - Stereochemistry: A Detailed Look

Section 9 - Alkyl Halides (R-X)

Section 10 - Substitution (SN2, SN1) and Elimination (E2, E1) Reactions

Section 11 - Mass Spectrometry and IR Spectroscopy

Section 12 Notes - NMR Spectroscopy

Second Semester Organic Chemistry Notes

Section 13 - Conjugated Systems and UV Spectroscopy

Section 14 - Aromatic Compounds and Aromaticity

Section 15 - Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution (E.A.S.)

Section 16 - Reactions and Synthesis of Alcohols

Section 17 - Ethers, Epoxides, and Sulfides

Section 18 - Aldehydes and Ketones

Section 19 - Carboxylic Acids

Section 20 - Carboxylic Acid Derivatives and Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution Reactions

Section 21 - Carbonyl Alpha-Substitution Reactions

Section 22 - Carbonyl Condensation Reactions

Section 23 - Amines

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Good notes

Karam Al khuzae

Neat, organized 10/10 recommend

Maria B Serrano Prieto
Useful and practical

Precise and concise explanations with very good examples