Chemistry Crash Course | Chemistry Help

S11E3 - Vapor Pressure of Solution, and Raoult's Law Calculations

SECTION 11 - Solutions and Their Properties

S11E3 - Vapor Pressure of Solution, and Raoult's Law Calculations

Raoult's Law and Vapor Pressure Calculations. Vapor Pressure of Solution vs Pure Solvent, Nonvolatile Solutes, and How to Calculate Vapor Pressure Raoult's Law.

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S10E3 - Surface Tension, Capillary Action, and Viscosity

SECTION 10 - Liquids Solids and Intermolecular Forces

S10E3 - Surface Tension, Capillary Action, and Viscosity

Properties of Liquids, Including Surface Tension, Capillary Action, and Viscosity. Viscosity, Adhesive Forces, and Cohesive Forces. What are Amorphous Solids?

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S20E3 - Naming Cycloalkanes and Naming Alkenes

SECTION 20 - Intro to Organic Chemistry

S20E3 - Naming Cycloalkanes and Naming Alkenes

Naming Cycloalkanes and Naming Alkenes. Unsaturated Hydrocarbons, Cycloalkanes, Cyclic Alkanes, & Naming Cycloalkanes. How to Name Alkenes. Alkene Nomenclature.

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S9E3 - Hybridization Examples and Hybrid Orbitals

SECTION 9 - Covalent Bonding and Molecular Orbitals

S9E3 - Hybridization Examples and Hybrid Orbitals

Hybridization Examples and Hybrid Orbitals: sp3 Hybridization of NH3, sp Hybridization of N2 and CO, Hybridization of XeF2 and BF4-. sp3 Hybridization of I3-

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S19E3 - Half-Life and the Detection of Radioactivity

SECTION 19 - The Nucleus and Nuclear Chemistry

S19E3 - Half-Life and the Detection of Radioactivity

Half-Life of Radioactive Decay Nuclear Reactions, and How to Detect Radioactivity with a Geiger Counter. Half-Life Calculations of Nuclides, Isotopes & Elements

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