Chemistry Crash Course | Chemistry Help — SECTION 8 - Chemical Bonding

S8E3 - Ion Electron Configurations and Ionic Radius Trends

SECTION 8 - Chemical Bonding

S8E3 - Ion Electron Configurations and Ionic Radius Trends

Ion Electron Configurations and the Relative Size of Ions. Ionic Size Trends and Electron Configurations of Ions. Noble Gas Notation & Orbital Notation of Ions.

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S8E2 - Electronegativity and Bond Polarity

SECTION 8 - Chemical Bonding

S8E2 - Electronegativity and Bond Polarity

Electronegativity Difference is Used to Find if a Bond is Nonpolar Covalent, Polar Covalent, or Ionic. Individual Bond Polarities vs. Overall Molecular Polarity.

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S8E1 - Coulomb's Law Examples and Potential Energy Diagrams

SECTION 8 - Chemical Bonding

S8E1 - Coulomb's Law Examples and Potential Energy Diagrams

Coulomb's Law Examples, and the Potential Energy Diagram for Hydrogen. Coulomb's Law Equation, Bond Energy vs. Bond Length, and the Bond Length Graph for H2.

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