Chemistry Crash Course | Chemistry Help — SECTION 2 - Atoms Molecules and Ions

S2E3 - What are Isotopes? Atomic Structure and Isotope Examples

SECTION 2 - Atoms Molecules and Ions

S2E3 - What are Isotopes? Atomic Structure and Isotope Examples

What are Isotopes in General Chemistry? Lets Look at Some Isotopes Examples Using Both Hyphen Notation of Isotopes, and Nuclear Symbol Notation for Isotopes.

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S2E2 - Discovery of the Electron by J.J. Thomson, and the Discovery of the Nucleus by Ernest Rutherford

SECTION 2 - Atoms Molecules and Ions

S2E2 - Discovery of the Electron by J.J. Thomson, and the Discovery of the Nucleus by Ernest Rutherford

J.J. Thomson's Discovery of the Electron with Cathode Ray Tubes and a Plum Pudding Model. Rutherford's Gold Foil Experiment, and Robert Millikan's Charge, Mass.

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S2E1 - 3 Fundamental Laws of Chemistry, and Dalton's Atomic Theory

SECTION 2 - Atoms Molecules and Ions

S2E1 - 3 Fundamental Laws of Chemistry, and Dalton's Atomic Theory

Three Fundamental Laws. Law of Conservation of Mass, Daltons Theory, Law of Definite Proportions, and Law of Multiple Proportions. Law of Conservation of Matter.

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